VBS Help

Prayer: I know you are praying for our week. I cannot tell you how valuable and encouraging I find this. Specifically, if you could pray for the Spirit to move in these kiddos, for safety, and for everyone’s health and wellness, that would be huge. 
Decorating Party: Deb Smith will be leading the decorating. If you’re interested, come Thursday, July 8 at 6:30 pm. 
Craft Supplies: we need tubes! If you could bring in your empty paper towel and toilet paper tubes, we have a purpose for them! 
Tasks:  Painting over some stains on the basement wall- mounting a TV in the basement classroom- freshening up the building after the service on Sunday – freshening up the building before each day of VBS.
Snacks: If you would like to contribute snack items, we are planning for around 70 children. If you do bring snack items, please let me know what you plan to bring and deliver them by Thursday so I have time to get the remaining items. Currently, we could still use grapes, cuties/fresh mandarin oranges, and pepperoni slices.