Vision from the Cornerstone
The Cornerstone was the first stone laid for a structure. It dictated the direction and way the structure would be built. The bible calls Jesus the Cornerstone, as He is the Cornerstone of the church! Everything in the church and in our lives is built on Him because He is everything! Jesus is the head of the church; He has all authority; and in Him we have salvation from our sins, all-sufficient joy, transformation, and the hope of eternal life. According to 1 Peter 2:4-9, Jesus is the Cornerstone of the final temple which is not a physical building, but people (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; Rev 21:9, 22). Being built on Jesus is about being the presence of God and living a life of joy in serving Him.
The vision of Cornerstone Church is summed up by “Growing in God’s family.” We become connected to Jesus, the Cornerstone, through faith. The rest of our life is an outflow of living on the Cornerstone. This is not something that just automatically comes, but like a branch that abides in the vine, it will bear fruit (John 15:1-11).
As an outflow of living on the Cornerstone, there are three major categories of growing that the bible talks about: Our everyday living (or Cornerstone Living), Church community (or Cornerstone Community), and engaging in God’s mission (or Cornerstone Mission). Each category is explained more below…
Cornerstone Living
Life, built on the Cornerstone, will result in growing in living out our faith in our everyday life. We foster this growth in ourselves, our family and each other by reading God’s Word, prayer, and getting at root issues in our lives. For more information and resources on Cornerstone Living click here.
Cornerstone Community
Life, built on the Cornerstone, will result in growing in fruitful church community. We desire to foster a community that equips individuals for living out their faith and engaging in God’s mission. We also desire to foster a safe place for people to be real and honest with their sin and other struggles. For a more information and resources on Cornerstone community click here.
Cornerstone Mission
Life, built on the Cornerstone, will result in growing in how we engage in God’s mission. We desire to grow in how we love our neighbors and meet needs in our community. We desire that every believer is equipped to be able to share the gospel and make disciples. We also aim to raise up and support cross cultural missionaries, primarily in unreached people groups. For a more information and resources on Cornerstone Mission click here.