Week 7 – Monday’s Devotional: Spiritual Gifts and “More than a Feeling”

Week 7 – Monday’s Devotional: Spiritual Gifts and “More than a Feeling”

Read 1 Corinthians 12.

A common scene in our kitchen: Ryle is at the dinner table making dinosaurs out of clay, Boaz is at the Lego table making some crazy Lego contraption with as many weapons and swords on it as he can and I am playing my guitar at the table.

That was the scene the other day and I was playing something Boaz (my classic rocker) didn’t like. So to appease him I started playing “More than a Feeling” by Boston, one of his favorite songs. And if you know that song, you know it gets really high, so I was playing and singing the intro and when it gets to “I closed my…” and my range ran out, and with perfect timing and pitch, Boaz inserted the word “eyes” which is a “D” note an octave higher than the “D” note that is moderately high for me. It was very impressive on Boaz’s part.

But it made me think of 1 Corinthians 12 and how much we need each other in the church. I couldn’t sing the high “D” note. Boaz did it for me. As I talked about Spiritual gifts in the last video, it is a reminder that God intentionally made us incomplete as individuals. This was so we would see our need for each other in the church family in order that together we would be complete. In other words it will make our church all the more effective in being God’s family and we will be a force to be reckoned with!