Week 6 – Wednesday’s Devotional: “My God will Supply (Phil 4:19)”

I am on a breakfast theme this week I guess. This morning when I was getting out of the shower and the boys were finishing breakfast, I overheard Cara talking to the boys about 1 Corinthians 13:7 and other themes of the week (Don’t tell her I am writing about her shhhhh). Now my assumption is that our boys were not enduring in love towards one another, hence Cara’s…um… motherly voice, “who can help us endure in love,” and in typical PK-fashion, they gave a sighing answer: “God.”
Yes we can just give the “Sunday-School” answers to appease our parents or Sunday school teachers. But think of it in light of Philippians 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This is in context of the Philippian chruch supplying Paul with physical needs (Phil 4:10-18) and Paul boasting of Jesus who supplies His Spiritual/emotional needs during trying times (Phil 4:12-13).
During this COVID-19 quarantined seasons, who or what is supplying your needs? Who or what is supplying your kid’s needs? We try to do this on our own way too much. We try to parent on our own. Sometimes we can even feel we are failing God because we can’t do it alone. But God inspired a whole book ( the bible) to tell us we can’t do this on our own, were not supposed to try to do this one our own, and that He loves to fill us with Himself to empower us to do it.
What if we surrendered all of this to the God who supplies us according to “His riches in glory in Christ Jesus“? God supplies us with the fullness of Himself (Eph 2:19). I don’t pretend to fully comprehend the vastness of the fullness of God being my supply. But I want it. And I want it for my kids. We can be more than survivors (or conquerors) during this quarantined season. But we can’t do it on our own power.
As my wife rightly told our kids this morning, God can fill you with His love that endures all things (even endure siblings!). May God supply you with everything you need (physically, spiritually and emotionally) according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.