Nueva Vida (New Life) School is a school for disabled children in Guatemala. You can learn more about them here. Many people from Denver, IA have gone to this school because Schumacher Elevator donated and installed an elevator in their building. Below is information about visiting Nueva Vida in Guatemala from their executive director, Megan Lewis.
Hello Friends,
We are excited at Nueva Vida to be creating a new opportunity to receive our partners and those who want to come to Guatemala and see what God is doing in and through the ministry.
We are setting up a structure of a “Mission Retreat” in 2023 that will be different from receiving a team of people with a project oriented focus.
Our “Mission Retreat” will be focused on a spiritual formation opportunity alongside Nueva Vida, while building a relationship with us, seeing what our work looks like daily, and covering our work/children/staff in intentional prayer. The details are coming together and still in process, but we are excited about this partnership as we see it honoring who we are and honoring you as part of the Nueva Vida family.
We are not able to share this opportunity with everyone at this time, but we want to personally invite YOU and YOUR CONGREGATION to consider coming to Guatemala to see how good the Lord is through His work in Nueva Vida.
The official dates that we have set aside to be able to receive visitors in 2023 are below. *note: we have a 2 week period available, but assume most visitors will come for a week’s time.
June 3-17, 2023- Mission Retreat November 4-18, 2023 – action oriented Mission Retreat
Please let me know your level of interest so we can know how to continue the conversation. Thank you and blessings from Santa Maria de Jesus!
If you would be interested in going – or supporting others in going – to Nueva Vida, please talk to Zach (319-229-0107 or zach.dbc@gmail.com).