Our church – formerly Denver Baptist Church – is excited to announce that we have changed our name to Cornerstone Church. The Cornerstone was the first stone laid for a structure. It dictated the direction and way the structure would be built. The bible calls Jesus the Cornerstone, as He is the Cornerstone of the church! Everything in the church and in our lives is built on Him because He is everything! Jesus is the head of the church; He has all authority; and in Him we have salvation from our sins, all-sufficient joy, transformation, and the hope of eternal life.
But you don’t have to have everything together or figured out to be loved by God or to fit in at our church. Our vision is summed up by “Growing in God’s Family.” When you are built on the Cornerstone, Jesus, you will never be the same. God will work in and through you for your joy and His glory in everyday life.
As an outflow of growing in God’s family on the Cornerstone, we value knowing Jesus and helping others know Him by the power of the Spirit. We value growing in our relationship with Jesus in our everyday lives. We value authentic church community. We value practically loving Denver and the surrounding area.
If you are in the Denver area and would like to be a part of a church that teaches the bible and cares about our community, our youth, and each other, we would love to have you join us.
You can find out more about us here.