Prayer and Upcoming Events

Prayer Requests

The Lost

  • Pray for the lost in your family, school/job, neighborhood and community.
  • Pray for specific people to be born again, disciples, and to lead others to faith and make disciples.
  • Pray for possible church plants in our area.


  • Elliana is doing great!
  • Karen’s dad is doing as good as he can. Skinner’s leave today to see him in Florida.
  • They have an unspoken prayer request and also pray for healing and for trials they are facing.
  • The Skinner’s neighbor is dealing with blood clots in her lungs.


  • Sandra’s brother-in-law, Gerry. Pray hard for his salvation.

Other Prayer

  • Healing for Donna Peterson’s leg.
  • Donna Peterson’s friend, Daniel, is having trouble with his aorta.
  • Sarah Cooper’s, Aunt Becky, has cancer and just started her third round of chemo. She really needs Jesus in her life.
  • Karrie Ryherd’s brother, Kevin, had fairly good news about his cancer. The good news is his chemo has been working and cancer is getting smaller. The only bummer is that they want to keep doing chemo to stay on top of it.
  • Donna Peterson’s friend (And Karen Freese’s daughter-in-law), Theresa Freese is hospitalized at Mercy One. She is need of a liver transplant. Pray that God uses this for the salvation of her family.
  • The war in Israel and others around the world.
  • Patty’s brother, John, is struggling with lung cancer and COPD. 
  • Jaxon Hansen (James and Pat’s grandson / Andrea’s nephew) and his ongoing recovery from a spinal cord injury a few years ago.

Answered Prayers – 2025

  • Kirby & Jenny Marquart, Lindsey Brady, & Zachary Solem were all baptized on Feb. 2, 2025!
  • February – Elliana is home doing well after a scary stint in the hospital with seizures.

Cornerstone Church and Community Upcoming Events

  • Tuesdays – Women’s group at either at Donna Petersen’s house or the church building depending on the week. (10:00am)